Cartoon Pick of the Week

Bloghorn spotted this great work during this week ending the 11th September 2009. One: Colin Whittock in the Birmingham Mail: Missing the old days Two: Steve Bell in The Guardian: A sick joke Three: Gordon Gurvan (GG) in The Spectator: And what do you do? The PCO: Great British cartoon talent Subscribe to The Foghorn […]

Bloghorn banner at The Big Draw

The cartoon auction site for The 2009 Big Draw is here and it is a chance to buy some great, original and funny drawn artwork as well as help a good cause. Last November we blogged about Bloghorn’s team for last year’s Transports of Delight competition and who produced a huge cartoon banner for the […]

Bloghorn archives available

Want to see more great drawing and joke-making by Britains top professional cartoonists? The Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation has released the back-catalogue of it’s bi-monthly cartoon magazine free on it’s website, and here on Bloghorn. [issuu backgroundcolor=FFFFFF showflipbtn=true documentid=090907102455-f15b0b4654b6458382b0a4cab6ee7950 docname=foghorn39 username=Bloghorn loadinginfotext=The%20Foghorn%20-%20No.%2039 showhtmllink=true tag=bloghorn width=420 height=297 unit=px] You can buy an annual subscription to six […]

Bloghorn at The Big Draw 2009

Teams of participants from the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation who run Bloghorn will be participating in the annual Big Draw next weekend. Cartoonists Clive Goddard, Andy Bunday, Pete Dredge and Nathan Ariss will be representing the trade in the Battle of the Cartoonists. Colleagues Tim Harries, and Cathy Simpson will also be a running a series […]

Cartoon Pick of the Week

Bloghorn spotted this great work during this week ending the 4th September 2009. One: Kipper Williams in The Guardian on unwanted vsitors Two: Matt Davies in the Journal News (NY State) USA: on opposition to plans for health reform in America. Three: Christian Adams in the Daily Telegraph: ‘Did you forget to cancel the papers?’ […]

Bloghorn’s Artist of the Month

We are taking a break from our regularly monthly feature during September. Instead we will be showcasing some of the back catalogue of work which our nominated artists have republished on Bloghorn – and we are kicking off with Ken Pyne’s image on the joy of architects. You can catch up with more work from […]