Cartoons on the radio

Excerpt from a comic strip by comedian Phill Jupitus Comedian Phill Jupitus hosts a programme called Comic Love on BBC Radio Four this week, in which he talks about his love of comics and newspaper strips. An occasional cartoonist himself, he has produced a strip to go with an article promoting the radio show in […]
What US cartoonists think of the Barack Obama New Yorker drawing
The New Yorker magazine has managed to secure itself an avalanche of publicity by featuring a cartoon cover by Barry Blitt. The drawing features Barack and Michelle Obama in a pair of mildly satirical poses, which you can see in the video below. But the response of Blitt’s professional colleagues to the drawing and the […]
We are all Banksy
No, no, we are all Banksy! The Mail on Sunday has outed the identity of the mysterious and elusive grafitti artist. He is, allegedly, called Robin and he went to to a nice school. It’s a shame the paper couldn’t bring itself to talk about what Robin of Banksy draws because the message is meant […]
Artist of the month: Clive Goddard

Clive Goddard is the PCO Artist of the month for July 2008. Bloghorn says click G for Goddard. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
New Foghorn cartoon magazine

A shiny new issue of the Foghorn cartoon magazine is hitting the streets imminently – and a subscription to the bi-monthly feast of drawing and jokes (no, really, we got advised we should say this sort of thing) is available via the PCO big blue Foghorn button you can see immediately to the right hand-side […]
Cartoonist questioned

Gerald Scarfe at work in his studio. Photograph by Linda Nylind Cartoonist Gerald Scarfe is the subject of this week’s Portrait of the Artist questionnaire in The Guardian. The PCO: British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Award-winning PCO cartoonists

PCOer Martin Honeysett has won the Kyoto International Cartoon Competition for a piece of art on global warming. Fellow member Ross Thomson placed third. You can see a full report on ther work and the stiff competition they faced here. Bloghorn says Click H for Honeysett and T for Thomson.It’s British cartoon talent From the […]
Google goes cartoon

The New York Times reports Google will back exclusive cartoon content for entirely digital distribution this autumn. The search company have a deal with Seth MacFarlane, creator of the American animated series, Family Guy, to produce fifty cartoon shorts. MacFarlane describes the work as “animated versions of the one-frame cartoons you might see in The […]
Artist of the Month: Clive Goddard

Clive Goddard is the PCO Artist of the Month for July 2008. Clive’s work regularly appears in Britain’s satirical and current affairs magazines, Private Eye, The Spectator, Prospect and The Oldie. He has also drawn for The Times and the New Statesman. He is, perhaps, best known for this work drawing and illustrating the Dead […]