Cartoon Pick of the Week
Bloghorn spotted this great work during this week ending the 27th February 2009. One: Peter Brookes in The Times on Mandelson’s delusions of grandeur Two: Kipper Williams in The Guardian on more plunging shares Three: P.C. Vey in Readers Digest (US) on troubled time for bankers, one of 10 Ways to Laugh at the Recession […]
PCO patron stands up for Comic Relief
Bloghorn is delighted to report that one of our patrons is making a debut performance in a tricky art form this weekend. Times columnist and BBC Radio Four presenter Libby Purves is taking on the art of stand-up comedy on behalf of Comic Relief. We know she was nervous about doing this, but we also […]
Artist of the Month – Neil Dishington
Bloghorn finished our interview with Artist of the Month, Neil Dishington ‘Dish’, by asking about his thoughts on the future of making jokes in drawing. I hope there is one. I used to advise the kids I taught to ‘go for it’ otherwise you will regret not giving it a go. I still meet up […]