Rowson works go under the hammer
Bloghorn attended a charity auction at the Martin Rowson exhibition Creations in Bad Faith on Tuesday (June 8). The exhibition features artwork from New Humanist magazine, which is published by the Rationalist Association. Many items were sold for quite impressive sums, with the artwork for Rowson’s meeting of Richard Dawkins and God, above, and for […]
Annual illustration show reaches 34
The exhibiton Images: The Best of British Contemporary Illustration is currently on show at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre. It runs until July 10. Organised by the Association of Illustrators, Images is a prestigious annual illustration exhibition which has been running for 34 years. Selected by a panel of judges, the show features works of illustration […]
Political Cartooning Made Easy
Peter Brookes, political cartoonist for The Times, makes the art of political cartooning look easy. Watch a master at work in this short film. Absorb and weep, dear reader. Bloghorn notes: As The Times have recently started charging to view its website, to view the above link you will have to register – prices are £2 […]
Oh say, can you SEE that?
Satire and cartoons on Apple Computer Distribution Systems
Alex's thoughts turn to love
An exhibition entitled Alex in Love opens today at the Last Tuesday Society in East London, and runs until June 18. Via a selection of comic strips from The Independent and The Daily Telegraph, from 1987 to the present day, Alex will divulge some of the wisdom and expertise he has acquired on the art […]
A Quite Interesting cartoonist
PCOer and Bloghorn contributor Adrian Teal writes: Some of you might remember me banging on like a girly bubble-brain about how delighted I was to be contributing cartoons to the QI spin-off books a couple of years ago. Things have moved on a little, and I have now contributed some illustrations to the TV show […]