French Cartoonist Jean Jullien on Creation of “Symbol of Peace for Paris”
“In all this horror there’s something positive that people are coming together in a sense of unity and peace.” Via @CRNetInt and Time website Jean Jullien had just begun his vacation when he heard on the radio about the terrorist attacks in his native France. “I express myself visually, so my first reaction was to […]
New Yorker Cartoons Documentary is only Very Semi-Serious
“Very Semi-Serious” goes behind the scenes of the New Yorker The documentary introduces the past, present and future generations of cartoonists who create the gag cartoons that have inspired, baffled and occasionally irritated readers for decades. (Seinfeld famously devoted an entire episode to the divisive effect of the more ‘obscure’ strain of New Yorker cartoon.) […]
Anti Cyberbullying Cartoon Strip Competition
In another example of cartooning’s ability to attract and involve the public in helping worthwhile causes, Internet Matters are inviting children to create a comic strip and beat cyberbullying. This competition gives parents and teachers the chance to encourage children to get creative and think about what steps they would take to stand up to cyberbullying. They could also […]