Leo Baxendale, the master of anarchic comic book fun, dies aged 86
The adjective ‘legendary’, bestowed too cheaply upon too many, finds a truly worthy recipient in the man who brought utter joy to generations of British children with his brilliant creations, Minnie the Minx and the Bash Street Kids. Leo Baxendale’s wonderfully inventive comic strips drew the reader into a world where anything was possible and […]
Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival review served up.
Photo ©Jac Lee Report by Bill Stott: Sadly, I could only attend for the Saturday session because I had to get back for my venerable dog, but it was a cracking day’s cartooning and caricaturing nonetheless. Amazingly, the A49/41 were almost lorry – free and the only real hold-up was courtesy of a nitwit […]