The cartoonist as writer

Every cartoonist is also a writer — you have to be able to write the joke before you can draw it. But some take it further than creating gag cartoon captions, or dialogue for strips, and end up writing novels.

PCO cartoonist Clive Goddard is one. He has a book out for children (“It says 9-plus on the book but I’d say 8 to 12-year-olds could enjoy it,” Clive tell us) called Fintan Fedora, the World’s Worst Explorer.

Clive is well-known for illustrating books for Scholastic, such as the Dead Famous series, but this one is all about the words. Even the cover illustration is by someone else (Mark Beech).

The book is the story of 14-year-old Fintan who sets out to find the elusive chocoplum, the rarest and most delicious treat in the world. He travels to South America, little suspecting that there are kidnappers on his tail as well as an evil business mogul who also wants the chocoplum. Sounds like a set-up that only a cartoonist could create!

Fintan Fedora is available in bookshops and at Amazon

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