© Will McPhaill/The New Yorker
If proof were needed of a cartoon’s effectiveness in nailing a topic more succinctly than any other medium, we’d like to present these three examples of the craft as irrefutable evidence, m’lud…
We are happy to note that two of them are by PCO members Will McPhail and Royston Robertson. The third is from Paul Noth, and a Q&A interview with the American cartoonist can be read here on the Columbia Journalism Review website. (Thanks to Glenn Marshall for the link.)
© Paul Noth/The New Yorker
This brings us back to a recurring PCO Blog theme: the ‘price of everything, value of nothing’ mentality that sees publishers continue to reduce cartoon slots. Effective economies should not involve throwing the baby out with the bath water; every ill considered cut leaves readers with one less reason to buy ‘the product’.
Perhaps those very publishers should take note that these cartoons appeared in Private Eye and The New Yorker; two publications with burgeoning sales figures and both noted champions of the cartooning art.
And by flourishing online as well as in their original habitat these wonderful, attention grabbing, thought provoking, laughter inducing artworks (and countless others like them) refute the tired trope that the cartoon is an anachronism.
Cartooning is as popular and vital as it ever was. Case closed.
© Royston Robertson/Private Eye