Herne Bay Cartoon Festival 2024 Preview

Herne Bay 2024 poster by Rob Murray Royston Robertson writes: The 11th Herne Bay Cartoon Festival, which will see cartoonists from all over the country visit the Kentish seaside town, is upon us, and the theme is “Rocking the Boat!” The main live event will be held at the Beach Creative gallery again – on […]
Cartoonists exhibition staged at the Bedford Fringe Festival

James Mellor writes: This summer the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation was invited to exhibit work at BedFringe – the 2024 Bedford Fringe Festival. Poster illustration © Clive Goddard The festival is a ten-day showcase of over 150 acts across three venues comprising of theatre, comedy, film, dance, music, children’s theatre, poetry and, as of this year, […]
Summer’s finally here

The latest Duke of Greenwich exhibition opened last Thursday. This is he second exhibition at his venue curated by Pete Songi. Here are few holiday Summer snaps by Mark ‘Chicane’ Winter. Mark and Steve Hamson helped put up the cartoons. Pete hammering it. The show had a overwhelming amount of submissions and features over sixty cartoonists. […]
Return to the pub

Pete Songi writes: Yes, The Great Cartoon Exhibition in a Greenwich pub is returning! They asked us back LOL! This time the theme is around ‘Summer’ and I have had another massive response from some amazing cartoonists around the country including Steve Bright, Lorna Miller and Vroni Holzmann in Scotland and Graeme Keyes, Fergus Boylan & Dean Patterson […]
An evening of cartoons and cake

Glenn Marshall writes: Last Thursday we had the ‘Vue Privée’ for the ‘Cartoonists At The Cafe’ exhibition at the fabulous Maison Bertaux where the great, the good and the thirsty gathered to celebrate the art of cartooning. More details about the show here The cafe tables where put aside to accommodate the expected masses. The […]
ffolkes art

Dean Patterson writes: Why I’m championing the genius of Michael ffolkes. Although probably not entirely forgotten, Michael ffolkes (purposely lowercase) will always it seems have the epitaph that reads, ‘Martin Honeysett threw a cake over his head.’ This story stems from a Private Eye 21st birthday bash, where before it got a chance to be […]
Cartoonists at the Cafe

Glenn Marshall writes: Ooooh là là, Procartoonists are now enjoying cake and cartoons at the magnifique Soho institution Maison Bertaux . The exhibition is curated by PCO’s resident beret wearer Jeremy Banx and staged by Cafe proprietor and Hooligan Art Dealer Tania Wade. Exterior of the much lauded French patisserie. The top floor exhibition space which has […]
JAM Bookshop RIP

Glenn Marshall writes: Sadly one of our duties on the blog is to write obituaries – this one is for a book store. The wonderful and inspiring JAM Bookshop in Hackney, run by the cartoonist and illustrator David ‘Ziggy’ Greene, closes its doors for the final time on Sunday. It really was a lovely and […]
Great Ideas exhibition

Jeremy Banx writes: So another PCO exhibition is now on show in the café at the Omnibus Theatre on Clapham Common. Hot on the heels of our last exhibition of Xmas panto cartoons for ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, this time the theme is ‘Ideas’. And what a lot of ideas about ideas there are. No […]