The Bloghorn is always interested in drawing that makes the presentation of knowledge more fun.
Our friends at The Comics Grid hit both of these nails when they asked Emily Goodhand, copyright and compliance officer at the University of Reading, to review a graphic novel on a subject that can make grown cartoonists scream.
Emily told us:
Copyright is not an easy subject to convey via any medium, given that it deals with intangible (unseen) property rights. So what about using drawing to help people learn about copyright?
Well, we live in a visual world; a picture often says more than a paragraph of text. And the simpler aspects of copyright translate well to images.
It is unlikely though that copyright education could ever be delivered by images alone, but it’s certainly an avenue worth exploring further — especially as it’s high time copyright broke free of its rather dull stereotype.
The Bloghorn says: go read Emily’s review of Bound by Law.
Does anyone want to make a UK version, following the recent Hargreaves review of copyright which we noted here?
You can downaload the full comic from here.
The Bloghorn is made on behalf of the UK Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation