Clive Collins is the PCO’s Artist of the Month for December 2007. A full list of all Clive’s clients would fill a large portion of the internet, so Bloghorn won’t go there, but instead will let Clive describe his work in his own words (mostly).
I’ve worked in most areas of the profession from newspapers to book illustration to TV to magazines. The client I’ve been with the longest is Playboy (US) – since 1972 – and the most recent and ongoing is Metro, with many loyal, happy clients in between. I’ve also won awards in Europe, Canada and Japan.
Having spent most of my life working with pens and papers and inks, I now find myself having to use computer technology, simply because these days there simply isn’t the time to use ‘old tech’.
However, I don’t believe that a computer makes a lousy drawing any better, so the old skills are still put to good use.
Bloghorn would like to commend Clive’s admirably pragmatic view about technology, it’s useful as long as it’s useful.
7th December 2007
British cartoon talent