PCO Procartoonists – October 2007

October was a mixed month for the PCO, we received an official vote of thanks for our work at The Big Draw which we attended during October – and also some anonymous comment. The official feedback ran something like this;

“We’ve received nothing but praise from our partners, sponsors and the public. Our hosts reported that this was by far and away their best event of the year.” And as the hosts were the management company who run Covent Garden in central London, we were quite pleased about it. Bloghorn is still digesting the anonymous comment but promises to post something about it soon.

Much less happily, we also had to hear about the death and burial of Alan Coren, one of our founding patrons and a man who had always enjoyed and promoted the art of visual joke-making.

Caricature by John Roberts.

You can listen to a News Quiz tribute to Alan here and PCOer Ken Pyne is also quoted in the local Cricklewood news coverage of Coren’s passing – alongside an obituary cartoon.

British cartoon talent

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