PCO Profile: Tony Fernandes


Self taught artist Tony Fernandes began drawing and painting at an early age. The works of the C20th’s greatest cartoonist Picasso, along with Gillray, Rowlandson, Giles, Cruikshank, Andre Francois and Goya captured and fuelled his imagination.

His first published work appeared on television at the age of 10 when he sent in jokes and cartoons to the Saturday morning children’s shows and his work has been generally used in advertising and even by the Medical Research Council.


Tony has established himself as a unique cartoonist influenced by the great satirical draughtsmen of the C18th and C19th – his cartoons are filled with such joy, great humour, insight and wit but there is always a sense of compassion about the characters in their silliness and in the ridiculous absurdity of everyday life.


More of Tony Fernandes’ work can be viewed here.

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