Doonesbury, the syndicated satirical comic strip by Garry Trudeau, has again become the subject of controversy in the US over a series of strips criticising proposed abortion legislation. Some papers have dropped this week’s strips, while others moved them from the comics pages to the op-ed section. The situation is neatly summarised in this video. Responses have generally been divided along expected partisan lines, with one left-leaning commentator describing the papers’ decision as “cowardly”. A more irreverent response can be found here. The strips themselves can be read at the official Doonesbury site.
The comics artist Moebius has died at the age of 73. The Guardian has a detailed obituary here. You can read a shorter tribute, accompanied by some fine examples of his work, over at Forbidden Planet.
A collection of 80 First World War cartoons by the German artist Albert Heim are set to be auctioned next month.
And finally, the Chennai-based cartoonist Biswajit Balasubramanian tells The Times of India about the challenges and effort involved in creating cartoons, and about the difficulty of selling cartoon art via the gallery system. Read it here.