Through the keyhole: a peek into the creative life
People aspiring to work in creative areas, whether it be drawing cartoons, illustration, graphic design or writing novels, are always fascinated with how other people actually go about it. And, indeed, the usual questions – Where do you draw/write? What equipment do you use? etc – are often as fascinating to those already making a […]
His master’s line – veteran cartoonists hit the road

Cover of His Master’s Line and a self-caricature of PCO contributor John Jensen The wily old dogs of European cartooning, or at least the ones not being chased by would-be-assassins*, are on the move, as PCOer John Jensen reports. Dieter Burkamp, organiser of the annual Zemun International Salon of Caricature, and Branko Najhold, have had […]
The Award-winning PCO
Congratulations to PCO member Martin Rowson, who last night won the single cartoon of the year at the annual Political Cartoon Awards.6th December 2007British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)