Opinion: The Sun drops editorial cartoons from weekday editions
Andy Davey writes: After more than 40 years, The Sun has cut editorial cartoons from the weekday editions of the paper. The paper has boasted a roster of excellent cartoonists to poke fun at the political shenanigans of the day. Names such as Stanley Franklin, Dave Gaskill, Keith Waite, Paul Rigby, Posy Simmonds, Tom Johnston, […]
Sun shine wears off for Davey
The Sun, the largest circulation print newspaper in the UK is now without a weekday editorial cartoonist after Andy Davey, one of our members, left the paper. With Andy’s help we shall be writing about this story and what it represents during the next week but you will get advance warning if you read one […]
Opinion: Cheerleading for art, part 2
Bill Stott continues to put the case for better art education in schools. You can read part one here. Of course, Michael Gove could be a keen and knowledgeable student of the arts – first in line when there’s something new at Tate Modern, burning his thumbs on disposable cigarette lighters at Glastonbury, and clamouring […]
Opinion: Cheerleading for art
Bill Stott writes: Remember your school reports? They become ingrained. Like your first snog. Mine weren’t bad. English, history, art, even P.E. (he was a bully) were all good but then they fell into the maths abyss. That bit was never good. I really didn’t care how long it took six men with rubber teaspoons […]
Behind the bandstand
These seaside pictures artfully displayed behind the bandstand in Herne Bay have been saved from a municipal whitewashing. The Jeremy Banx cartoons were drawn at the recent Duchamp in Herne Bay event. Fears that the jokes would fall victim to a “Serco-style” cleaning operation, as noted in part one of the cartoon trio, proved unfounded. Happily, […]
The Big Boards from Shrewsbury Cartoon 2013
The huge drawings made in the town Square in Shrewsbury on Saturday 20th April at the tenth edition of the cartoon festival.
Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival 2013
The members of the UK Professional Cartoonists at the tenth edition of the festival.
Mrs Thatcher and the cartoonists
Powerful people in politics with wealth and helpers mix myth and reality to help deliver a projection of their achievements to the public. Parts of the same formula also drive the work of many cartoonists. Both sorts of visual trickery are now at work in the national catharsis following the death of the former Prime […]
Springtime for cartoonists in Shrewsbury
We are very pleased to be able to list the cartoonist attendees at this year’s Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival. They are: Huw Aaron, Charlie Adlard, Dean Alston, Nathan Ariss, Ian Baker, Rupert Besley, Steve Best (Bestie), Andrew Birch, John Clark (Brick), Matthew Buck (Hack), Steve Chadburn, Jonathan Cusick, Wilbur Dawbarn, Pete Dredge, Noel Ford, Clive Goddard, Tim Harries, John Landers, Alexander Matthews, Rob Murray, Chichi Parish, Roger Penwill, Helen Pointer, John Roberts, Royston Robertson, Chris Ryder, Bill […]