Shrewsbury international cartoon festival – and other events

“But is it Art?” by PCOer Nathan Ariss – another contribution to Bloghorn’s sneak preview of a major exhibition which opens in less than a month’s time and is part of this year’s Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival.In other news, PCOer Clive Collins, a previous cartoonist of the month here, alerts us to a one-off event at […]
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival

Preview of a submission to the “But is it Art?” show at this year’s Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival. Thanks to PCOer Paul Hardman – click H for Hardman. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival

One more offering from the “But is it Art?” cartoon show from the forthcoming Shrewsbury International Cartoon festival. This piece is from PCOer Tim Harries. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival

Submitted work for the ‘But is it art?’ exhibition at this year’s Shrewsbury Festival. Caricature of former PM Anthony (Tony) Blair by PCOer Adrian Teal.British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival

PCO cartoonist William Rudling on the joy of painting.This is another sneak preview of submitted work for the Is it Art exhibition from the forthcoming Shrewsbury cartoon festival.British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival

More from our sneak preview of the “But is it Art?” exhibition which will be one of the highlights at this spring’s Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival. PCOer Steve Bright made this piece. Click on the Shrewsbury link under this text for more… British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival

A sneak preview of more ‘Art’ from the upcoming Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival. This piece is by PCOer Wilbur Dawbarn.British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival

Cartoon by PCO member Royston Robertson (after Damien Hirst) submitted for the “But is it Art?” exhibition The Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival is fast approaching. The 2008 event takes place on the weekend of April 18-20. The theme this year is “Art” and one of the highlights will be an exhibition of new work by festival […]