Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival – The Exhibitions!

Exhibition poster cartoon by festival organiser © Roger Penwill. Lovely to see a REAL cartoon exhibition on REAL walls! Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival may have been cancelled earlier in the year but the accompanying ’20-20 Vision’ show lives on at the wonderful Bear Steps Gallery in Shrewsbury. It opened this week and features 70 cartoons by 43 […]
Contains Male Nudity
An exhibition where the nudes splayed on the gallery walls are male for a change! Cartoon by © Jeremy Banx The show is made up of art and cartoons. For the most part it’s figure painting, sculpture and drawings, but as in previous years’ exhibitions there will be a room given over to theme-related […]
Canvassing for charity
Many cartoonists have contributed small canvases to the Stars on Canvas 2012 charity auction, which runs online until 2 December. They include members Jonathan Cusick, Noel Ford, Tony Husband, Royston Robertson, Robert Thompson, above, and Kate Taylor. There are also canvases by names from the worlds of sport, music and entertainment. The auction is in […]
Gillray’s timeless cartoons member Pete Dredge was interviewed on the subject of the political cartoonist James Gillray for the BBC’s Sunday Politics Show in the East Midlands: Watch it here Pete visits a new exhibition of Gillray’s work at the Nottingham Contemporary gallery and talks about how the 18th-century cartoonist’s work strikes a chord with modern audiences with […]
Comic Timing at Harrods
Harrods is hosting Comic Timing, an exhibition of original British comic art encompassing a comprehensive slice through the British comic scene, from early Dennis the Menace and Oor Willie through to the likes of Watchmen and Viz. The show features artwork from comics as diverse as Jackie, Commando and 2000AD and by artists including Jamie […]
Cartoon Exhibition: The Beano in Dundee

Amid the coverage of the London launch of the Beano and Dandy Birthday Bash last week at the Cartoon Museum, we should mention that there’s a parallel exhibition in the Beano and Dandy’s home town of Dundee. The exhibition is being held at the Lamb Gallery at the University of Dundee until the 20th September, […]
Cartoon exhibition: Beano and Dandy Birthday Bash

Click the above image to enlarge it, and see how many characters you can name The Beano and Dandy Birthday Bash exhibition opens today at the Cartoon Museum in London. PCOer Royston Robertson writes: I attended the preview of the show last night and can report that, as you would expect, it’s great fun. For […]
Cartoon exhibition: Beano and Dandy

While we’re busy marking 60 years of the NHS this week, let’s not forget that another much-cherished British institution has a significant birthday approaching. On July 30, The Beano will be 70 years old. London’s Cartoon Museum will be holding a major Beano and Dandy exhibition to celebrate. It will run until November 2 and […]
Cartoonists 2008 exhibition

Cartoon by Peter Brookes of The Times An exhibition entitled Cartoonists 2008 opens at the Chris Beetles Gallery in London on April 8 and runs until May 3. It is the gallery’s second annual show devoted to the art of British cartooning, following on from its successful You Havin’ a Laugh? exhibition last year. The […]