The Round-up
Our colleagues in the Cartoonists’ Club of Great Britain (CCGB) have produced The Little Red Nose-E-Book Of Cartoons in aid of Comic Relief. It features 101 cartoons by CCGB members, including the gag above by Colin Whittock, who is also a member. The e-book costs just £1.59 (with all proceeds going to the charity) and […]
Miranda’s Comic Relief
Procartoonists member Clive Goddard is helping comic Miranda Hart with her Comic Relief challenges this week. He will be drawing each of her tasks in turn and we will feature some below over the course of the week. You can of course also follow the course of events by following the #mirandasmarch hashtag. Updated 12th March: You […]
Bloghorn patron raises laughs and money
PCO patron Libby Purves raised lots of laughs on Radio 4’s Stand-up With the Stars, as well as raising money for charity. But sadly she was not the winner – that honour went to fellow Radio 4 presenter Peter White. Listeners decided the winner by a telephone vote. Proceeds from the vote raised money for […]
Bloghorn patron stands up
PCO patron Libby Purves made her attempt for competitive stand up comedy glory on BBC Radio 4 and you can watch a clip of her in action here.