Contains Male Nudity – The Privates View

Away from the Herne Bay Cartoon Festival proper was the exhibition improper ‘Contains Male Nudity’ which is still running at One New Street Gallery. PCO’s intrepid senior staff photographer Kasia Kowalska was at the ‘Privates View’ to cover events as they unfolded. Readers are warned that some of the following content may be of an adult nature. […]

Contains Male Nudity

  An exhibition where the nudes splayed on the gallery walls are male for a change! Cartoon by © Jeremy Banx The show is made up of art and cartoons. For the most part it’s figure painting, sculpture and drawings, but as in previous years’ exhibitions there will be a room given over to theme-related […]

Sixth Herne Bay Cartoon Festival begins

[Poster by The Surreal McCoy] Exhibitions are now open at the sixth Herne Bay Cartoon Festival and more than 20 of the UK’s top cartoonists will descend on the Kent seaside town next weekend for three days of talks, workshops and live drawing. The first event is a discussion featuring The Surreal McCoy and Rachael Ball. They will […]