Cartoonists against the Crunch
Simon Donald, co-creator of Viz magazine, is looking for volunteers to help him create cartoons to be displayed in disused shops, in order to brighten up high streets blighted by the credit crunch. Newcastle’s The Journal has the story.
The funny side of global financial meltdown
A short film on how the creators of the Daily Telegraph’s “Alex” have reacted to the credit crunch, by the BBC’s Wendy Urquhart:Cartoon takes on markets woe The PCO: Great British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Cartoon Pick of the Week
Bloghorn spotted this great work this week… One: Matt in the Telegraph on trouble at the banks Two: Martin Rowson in the Guardian on challenging Brown And finally, the funny animal one … Three: Robert Thompson in The Spectator: “OK kids, bedtime!” The PCO: British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)