JAM Bookshop RIP

Glenn Marshall writes: Sadly one of our duties on the blog is to write obituaries – this one is for a book store. The wonderful and inspiring JAM Bookshop in Hackney, run by the cartoonist and illustrator David ‘Ziggy’ Greene, closes its doors for the final time on Sunday. It really was a lovely and […]
Battle fought, then sandwiches
Andy Davey gives his post-match analysis, as Procartoonists team captain, on the Battle of the Cartoonists 2014 Photos by Kasia Kowalska It was great to take part in the Battle of the Cartoonists at Trinity Buoy Wharf in one of the less glamorous quarters of London’s fashionable Docklands. We cartoonists are not used to glamour, so […]
Cartoonists prepare to do battle
A team from the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation will once again take part in the Battle of the Cartoonists. (Cartoon above by Bill Stott) The event is organised by the Campaign for Drawing, the people behind The Big Draw, and will take place at the Electrician’s Shop gallery, Trinity Buoy Wharf, in east London this Sunday (23 November) […]
The Round-up
An exhibition of original art by Procartoonists.org member David Ziggy Greene, drawn for the reportage strip Scene & Heard, which has appeared in Private Eye since 2011, is at the Orbital Comics Gallery, 8 Great Newport Street, London, from 12 September until 10 October. Entitled Scene & Hung, the exhibition ties in with the release of a book […]
The Round-up
Kasia Kowalska writes: The next exhibition to at the Cartoon Museum in London is titled Never Again and will be on the subject of cartoons drawn during the First World War. It will run from 11 June to 19 October. Until then, there is still time to catch the Spitting Image 30th anniversary exhibition, which ends on 8 June. Private Eye’s […]
The Round-up
Cartoon captions are a major theme in this week’s Round-up. Bob Mankoff, cartoon editor of The New Yorker, looks back at the work of Ed Fisher (including the excellent meta-cartoon above), and also recalls some of the best caption contest entries by Roger Ebert. Both Ebert and Fisher passed away recently. Over at The Telegraph, […]