Shrewsbury cartoon: On the road
Regular readers will know we have a longtime relationship with the Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival, the UK’s sole event devoted to the arts of the cartoonist, so we were pleased to see the show going on the road as a part of this year’s Diamond Jubilee. A team of Noel Ford, Roger Penwill, Steve Bright, John Roberts […]
Diamond Jubilation
How one’s Diamond Jubilee might get imagineered. “ OK. Ideas. Royal Progress. Any? Toby. Yes?” “Well, erm, they’re both well, erm, getting on a bit, yeah?” “We know that Toby – ergo the Diamond bit in Jubilee. ” “Yes, well, erm, I thought that, well, and I mean, well, perish the thought … ” “That’s […]
The unofficial jubilee
An exhibition called Her Maj: 60 Years of Unofficial Portraits of the Queen will be staged at the Cartoon Museum in London next month. The museum promises that it will be “teasing, afffectionate and at times downright unflattering — unlike any other Diamond Jubilee exhibition”. It opens on February 1 and runs until April 8. […]