The future of the newspaper editorial cartoon
Former editor of The Guardian, Peter Preston has written a piece in The Observer newspaper bemoaning the decline in numbers of editorial or political cartoonists being used in newspapers. You can read it here. Preston focuses on recent job losses in the United States, which mirror the speedy decline of the print media there, but […]
Only tools and performances
The cover of The New Yorker magazine was drawn by Jorge Colombo’s finger which manipulated an iPhone application in the fashion shown above. Good on them and him.
Fast footwork

Spotted by PCOer Morten Morland and with a handy translation. The PCO: Great British cartoon talentSubscribe to The Foghorn – our print cartoon magazine From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Goodbye big print (and cheerio President Bush)

PCOer Andy Davey writes: One thing that all cartoonists are very aware of is that the face of publishing has changed. Much of it has been a little scary for established old-media cartoonists, but one of the undoubted benefits of the new trends has been on-demand printing. While there’s still a need for hard copy […]
Cartoonists for e-paper!
Report on electronic paper from the BBC The PCO: Great British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Evidence for the value of cartoons in the digital world
Here is an experiment in online imagery using the work of PCOer Alex Hughes who helps write this blog for the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation. Link via Paul Bradshaw. The PCO: Great British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Problems in drawing – image copyright and theft
One of the problems in being able to express yourself through drawing is having your work “borrowed” or “passed off” as the product of someone else.This is an occupational hazard if you draw to make your living, but it is irritating. Actually this is theft because traditionally, full-time, commercial artists and cartoonists sell the rights […]
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival: Dave Brown's one-man show

Dave Brown cartoon pastiche of Hell by Hieronymus Bosch as the US Presidential election campaign of 2004. One of the highlights of this year’s Shrewsbury festival is a one-man show of the work of Dave Brown, editorial cartoonist for the Independent newspaper here in the UK. Dave is well known for his weekly Rogues Gallery […]
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival

One more offering from the “But is it Art?” cartoon show from the forthcoming Shrewsbury International Cartoon festival. This piece is from PCOer Tim Harries. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)