Politics and plebs at awards bash
Kasia Kowalska writes: The annual Political Cartoon of the Year Awards, hosted by the Ellwood Atfield Gallery, in Smith Square, Westminster, were full to the brim with guests and cartoonists alike. You didn’t have to move far to rub shoulders with the elite of political cartooning in Britain today – most of the nominees, from Christian […]
Cartoon Cafe moves to the seaside
Eastbourne will be much more bracing when a gallery of salty and saucy imagery opens its doors this June. Tim Benson, who previously ran the Bloomsbury-based Political Cartoon Gallery, will reopen the gallery in premises in the East Sussex town this summer. Dr Benson plans to host regular exhibitions of cartoon art as well as […]
UK Political cartoon gallery to move
The UK Political Cartoon Gallery is to move from its premises on Store Street, near Tottenham Court Road in London, early in 2010. Owner and publisher Tim Benson told Bloghorn; I believe we have gone as far as I think we can [at the Store Street venue] without becoming stale and repetitive. Staying in London I believe is […]
London's Political Cartoon Gallery is in rude health
Bloghorn can report London’s Political Cartoon Gallery is not going to be closing, contrary to reports in the capital’s Metro newspaper. According to the Metro, the cartoon gallery, which is the only display space in the world dedicated to the art of the editorial cartoon, is facing closure because of soaring rents and collapsing demand. […]
PCO Procartoonists – The Cartoon Century
Bloghorn asked author, Tim Benson, owner of London’s Political Cartoon Gallery, all about his new book, The Cartoon Century. How long has it taken to write and collate the Cartoon Century? I asked the publishers for three years, but I was given just over a year. It’s amazing what you can do when push comes […]