Dave Brown Busts Out
Oliver Preston (Cartoon Museum Chair), Dave Brown and Steve Bell at the Cartoon Museum Gillray bust unveiling. Photo © Kasia Kowalska Dave Brown writes: ‘If Hogarth was the grandfather of the modern cartoon, You were its father…’ (David Low on James Gillray, 1943) Gillray set the template for the modern political cartoon. His savage humour and supreme draughtsmanship […]
Offensive Weapon?
Glenn Marshall writes: Procartoonists recently hosted a panel discussion labelled ‘OFFENSIVE WEAPON?’ at the North London Story Festival. The talk centred around the issue of cartoons causing offence and where to draw the line. I was joined by Carol Isaacs AKA The Surreal McCoy and The Guardian’s Martin Rowson. I opened with a brief look at […]
Artist of the Month – Chichi Parish
Our PCO Artist of the Month Chichi Parish, spills the beans on which other cartoonists’ work have inspired her. During my formative years, I was brought up and educated in Spain. As a 7 year old kid, devoured Francisco Ibáñez’s ‘Mortadelo y Filemon‘ a comic about two detective agents and the cartoon strip ‘Mafalda‘ the […]