Cartoon secrets revealed
News reaches Bloghorn of a couple of British cartoonists revealing the tricks of the trade. Firstly there’s The Times‘ Peter Brookes explaining how he’ll be caricaturing the party leaders in the upcoming General Election. On drawing the current Prime Minister: With Gordon Brown I’ll start with the hair, increasingly grey and much more coiffured these […]
Jings! Gordon joins the Broons
The Broons is copyright DC Thomson You will no doubt have already seen Gordon Brown teamed with Scotland’s first family of comic strips, the Broons, in the Private Eye parody The Broon-ites. But at the weekend (January 25) the Prime Minister appeared in the genuine article: an episode of The Broons in The Sunday Post. […]
Cartoon exhibition: Browned Off!
The Political Cartoon Gallery’s Tory Blues exhibition has now closed so, in the interests of balance, attention is turned to the Labour Party. Browned Off! A cartoon exhibition on the first 18 months of Gordon Brown as Prime Minister, opens at the gallery on Wednesday (January 21) and runs until March 14. The show will […]
Cartoon Pick of the Week
Bloghorn spotted this great work this week… One: Matt in the Telegraph on trouble at the banks Two: Martin Rowson in the Guardian on challenging Brown And finally, the funny animal one … Three: Robert Thompson in The Spectator: “OK kids, bedtime!” The PCO: British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival – In The Soup with Gordon Brown
Caricature of Prime Minister Gordon Brown appearing in cartoonist Dave Brown‘s one-man show at this year’s Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival. Cartoon courtesy of Dave Brown. Click to enlarge the image. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival – But is it Art?
PCOer Alex Hughes submitted this caricature of Prime Minister Gordon Brown for the “But is it Art?” show at this year’s Shrewsbury festival. Click the picture to enlarge it. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)