Return to the pub

Pete Songi writes: Yes, The Great Cartoon Exhibition in a Greenwich pub is returning! They asked us back LOL! This time the theme is around ‘Summer’ and I have had another massive response from some amazing cartoonists around the country including Steve Bright, Lorna Miller and Vroni Holzmann in Scotland and Graeme Keyes, Fergus Boylan & Dean Patterson […]
Galway Cartoon Festival report

Festival poster with drawing by Italian artist © Marinela Nardi PCO member Dean Patterson (deAn) writes: I have just about recovered from my trip to the 4th Annual Galway Cartoon Festival that took place from the 1st to 9th of October. Dean filling some wall space (bonus points to Dean for sporting a PCO […]
The Round-up
The BBC has been looking at how political cartoonists in Northern Ireland coped with covering the Troubles. You can read the article and see an episode of BBC Northern Ireland’s The Arts Show (until 28 April) here. Meanwhile, in the Republic of Ireland, The Irish Times has apologised for a cartoon about priests by Martyn […]
The Round-up writer Royston Robertson will be giving a talk about cartoons on Bank Holiday Monday (26 August) at the Kings Theatre in Ramsgate, as part of the town’s Summer Squall arts festival. The talk begins at 11am and is completely free to attend. Royston will be showing a selection of his published cartoons and talking […]