The Round-up
After The New Statesman published this cover story in its current edition, The Spectator has responded by calling on the NS to publish more cartoons. Not a bad idea, if we say so ourselves… Comics expert Paul Gravett interviews illustrator and picture-book author Shaun Tan over on his blog. As prevously mentioned, Tan will be […]
Cartoonists? We’ve got ’em
This blog, we hope you know by now, is run by, which is home to the UK’s finest professional cartoonists. We’re happy to announce that several leading names in the cartooning business have decided to join recently, including the Private Eye regular RGJ, aka Richard Jolley. He has uploaded a biography and some images […]
Bidder-bidder-bidder … Batman!
Comic fans have the chance to appear alongside legendary superhero Batman thanks to a fund-raising auction. This one-off opportunity is part of a sale to support the Comic Book Alliance (previously). It also includes signed comics, books and artwork from the likes of Hunt Emerson, David Lloyd, Bryan Talbot and Alan Moore among many others. The […]
Upcoming cartoon events
Aside from the previously mentioned The Big Draw, there’s a few events that may be of interest to cartoon and comic fans coming up in next couple of months. This coming Saturday the 9th October is Canterbury Anifest, an animation festival featuring appearances by Wallace and Gromit, Bagpuss, the Gruffalo and Phil Jupitus at Canterbury […]
Shrewsbury 2009 – it's all about action
Here’s Hunt Emerson, underground comics star turned Beano artist, demonstrating comic poses during a workshop held at the appropriately named Infinity and Beyond comic shop in Shrewsbury. Remember, although the festival is over you can still see the exhibitions, as they run for several weeks. Check the website for details.