Opinion: Beware digital challenges to the paper of record
The Sunday Times has removed the Gerald Scarfe cartoon from all of its digital editions following the controversy about its print publication. The retrospective removal of the cartoon reported by Press Gazette this morning challenges a traditional role fulfilled by printed journalism as a paper of record. The removal of the image changes the paper of […]
Leveson and more cartoonists
The post Leveson debate rumbles on, with much talk of regulation, self-regulation and the slighty painful sounding statutory underpinning. So, following on from our earlier round-up of Leveson cartoons, we present further takes on the media story of the year, starting with Morten Morland in The Times. Steve Bright in The Sun has a typically […]
Leveson and the cartoonists
Cartooning has long been associated with the print industry* so it is only natural that the artists have been interested in the Leveson Inquiry report into the Culture, Media and Ethics of the Press. It was delivered yesterday, as Dave Brown of The Independent notes. Bob Moran in The Daily Telegraph imagines Lord Justice Leveson […]
Plagiarism row goes on
The row over alleged plagiarism by the American cartoonist Jeff Stahler rumbles on, with many commentators looking at what the case says about the state of US editorial cartooning, and wondering about long-term implications. Stahler, who was suspended by his employer, the Columbus Dispatch, has since resigned. Most prominent among the commentators is the cartoonist […]