‘Women In History’ Cartoon Exhibition
Poster cartoon by © The Surreal MCoy The PCO is putting on an exhibition in collaboration with Idea Store at Canary Wharf to tie in with Women’s History Month. ‘Women In History’ is an exhibition of cartoons and caricatures based loosely around the theme and also looking more widely at issues affecting women. Our patron Sandi […]
Contains Male Nudity – The Privates View
Away from the Herne Bay Cartoon Festival proper was the exhibition improper ‘Contains Male Nudity’ which is still running at One New Street Gallery. PCO’s intrepid senior staff photographer Kasia Kowalska was at the ‘Privates View’ to cover events as they unfolded. Readers are warned that some of the following content may be of an adult nature. […]
Feeling the heat at yet another sunny Herne Bay Cartoon Festival
You might argue that in this record summer the sun was always going to shine on the 2018 Herne Bay Cartoon Festival. But at the time of writing it is chucking it down with rain, so the festival still seems to be somewhat blessed. Perhaps the gods of weather are all fans of funny and clever […]
Cause and effect: Cartoonists’ Showcase
“Double Dip and Toil and Trouble !!” by Nick Hayes, from the Guardian’s summer cartoonists showcase. As previously mentioned in Bloghorn, the Guardian is showcasing six up-and-coming cartoonists whilst regular incumbent Steve Bell is on his summer holidays. Since the last week of July, the cartoons of Anna Trench, Lou McKeever (aka Bluelou), Ben Jennings, Tanya […]