The Round-up
The big story in cartooning this week unfolded in the US, as a large number of editorial cartoonists took issue with The New York Times for soliciting cartoons on-spec (see No!Spec for useful background on this issue). Aardman Animations, the studio behind Wallace and Gromit, has denied it is unhappy with comparisons between their […]
Oh say, can you see that II?
Following our recent post on Apple and control of digital content, The New York Times reports on another example of editing of drawn content. These issues around the suitablity of content mirror old arguments about what can be published in print. They are now being fought over what is acceptable inside the digital applications published […]
Caricaturist David Levine dies
David Levine, since 1963 caricaturist for the New York review of Books, has died. You can read an obituary from the New York Times and scroll through a short slideshow about him here. The Review of Books has an excellent archive of his work from the 1960s to the present day available here. Updated: 31st Jan […]
Cartoonists solve knotty visual problems
Ever had problems with with that spaghetti of tangled-up cables? Christoph Niemann certainly has and here illustrates his frustrations for the New York Times using a novel approach involving cartoons and wire.