Personal Bests: Prepare the Stadium!

Activity at the Olympic Stadium on this, the sixth day seventh day* of competition in the London 2012 Olympic Games. Try weaving back through a few Personal Bests  here. * Scribe to be struck down by the god(s) – Ed

Personal Bests: Technical terms

So many sports, so many new terms to learn. You can enjoy more great jokes in our permanent portfolios or scroll back through our Personal Bests exhibition.

Personal Bests: That’s the spirit

While we wait for Team GB to win any gold medals, let’s try to maintain the determined Olympic spirit! It is alive and well, just about, in this Personal Bests cartoon by Mike Williams. See the portfolios for more work by the cartoonists in this Olympics exhibition.

Personal Bests: On the road

Speed cameras are probably less of a problem for cycling road races in Britain than the rain, but that didn’t hold back the British cyclist Lizzie Armitstead. This cartoon, by Royston Robertson, is part of the Personal Bests exhibition, originally seen at the Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival, which we’ll be showcasing throughout the 2012 Olympics. Browse […]

The Round-up

As the 2012 Olympics get under way here in the UK, a piece of comics journalism by the cartoonist Tom Humberstone considers the negative impact that an event of this size can have on the host nation. Read the strip here. New Olympics-themed works by Banksy have presented the London authorities with a dilemma. Meanwhile, […]

Personal Bests: Olympics 2012

In the spirit of breaking the rules where possible we’ll start with something that isn’t from the exhibition at all. Our thanks to the cartoonist George Licurici, from Romania, for a charming view about the start of the events from well beyond these shores. And, delayed only briefly, we are pleased to start a virtual exhibition: Personal Bests. […]

Personal Bests: Olympics in cartoons

The London Olympics are here and throughout the event we will be giving you the cartoons from Personal Bests, the main exhibition from the Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival of 2011, which had the sporting theme. The selling exhibition was a popular hit and the cartoons have been in a travelling exhibition since. We’ll be posting regular sporting laughs here […]

Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival 2011

Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival kicks off tonight with a drop-in cartoon workshop at the Bear Steps Gallery at 4.30pm, and a talk by Dr Nick Hiley from the British Cartoon Archive on the cartoons of Carl Giles at Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery at 7pm, tickets £5. In the meantime, the exhibition Personal Bests opened […]