Laugharne has the last laugh
Martin Rowson writes for about Dylan Thomas, drink and cultural vandalism at the Laugharne Weekend Last weekend I was in Laugharne in South Wales for the annual Laugharne Weekend, a dependably wacky and eclectic mix of comedians, musicians, writers and, for the second year in a row, one cartoonist. When they asked me along […]
The Round-up
Above: a timely rant from animator Stephen Silver about the perils of agreeing to produce creative work ‘on spec’. (Originally seen at Tom’s Mad Blog) The HS2 rail proposal provided plenty of fodder for cartoonists on the dailies this week. For The Telegraph, Christian Adams assesses George Osborne’s involvement here and here, while Matt Pritchett […]
Phill Jupitus discusses "joke theft"
All cartoonists have at some point seen a cartoon and thought, Hey, that’s my joke! But how often is it theft and how often simple coincidence? Comedian and occasional cartoonist Phill Jupitus discusses the business of stealing laughs at the Guardian website.
Cartooning in the media: It's not all bad news

PCOer Royston Robertson says we cartoonists need to lighten up about media coverage of our profession There’s no doubt that cartoons are enjoying an unusually high profile in the British media at the moment. We’ve seen acres of coverage for the launch of new kids’ comic The DFC (left), the 70th anniversary of The Beano […]
Celebrity cartoonists

As cartoonist-turned-comedian Phill Jupitus prepares to talk of his love of cartoons on the radio, PCOer Royston Robertson looks at some other celebrities who once wielded drawing pens MEL CALMAN called his autobiography What Else Do You Do?, after the question that is so often put to cartoonists. In fact, there appear to be many […]