Tune into PCO TV

Just a reminder to tune in, subscribe and spread the word about our PCO TV Channel over on that Youtube. There are a couple of fresh videos on there: Firstly the launch of a series cartoonist Q&A videos that have been stitched together for public display by PCO Chair Personage Clive Goddard starring PCO members Jeremy Banx, […]

A Peer at Herne Bay Cartoon Festival 2021

A carousel of cartoonists. Photo by © Ray Covey Apologies for the late running of our usual photo gallery of the Herne Bay Cartoon Festival but pictures were delayed by the HGV lorry driver shortage…so blame Brexit/Covid. Join me now as we take a not-so virtual tour up the pier… Photo by © Jason Hollingsworth The […]

Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival exhibition comes to the High Street

Poster illustration by © Jonathan Cusick Festival Organising team member Sarah Knapp writes: Delayed by lockdowns, and consequently without it’s usual live events,  Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival exhibition is going ahead this year represented by two exhibitions at the Bear Steps Gallery, Shrewsbury from 6th to 18th September. The show goes up. Our theme is ‘The High […]

Contains Male Nudity – The Privates View

Away from the Herne Bay Cartoon Festival proper was the exhibition improper ‘Contains Male Nudity’ which is still running at One New Street Gallery. PCO’s intrepid senior staff photographer Kasia Kowalska was at the ‘Privates View’ to cover events as they unfolded. Readers are warned that some of the following content may be of an adult nature. […]

The PCO has a new Chairleg

After a very successful tenure as PCO Chairleg the venerable Bill Stott has decided to step down to spend more time with Joan Baez and his Jaguar XK8 – happily Bill will remain on the committee. Step forward Clive Goddard, who will be fitting into Bill’s Chairleg trousers. Clive needs no introduction but here’s one anyway penned by great […]