Opinion: Tearing a strip off automated online cartoons
The Procartoonists.org blog notes with interest the rise of Bitstrips, an app that allows anyone to make clip-art style cartoons featuring themselves. Billed as “instant comics and cards starring you and your friends”, they are popular for Facebook e-cards and status updates. We have seen this kind of automation of cartooning skills before. And now, […]
Christmas is a time for sharing
We are taught that Christmas is a time for sharing and this habit has been institutionalised with the gifts of the social media. If you will forgive the spirit of “Bah humbug’”, we spotted a revealing story about what social-media sharing can mean for those image makers who choose to use such free services. The picture-sharing […]
After Gin Lane: Giving it all away
Following From Gin Lane to the Information Superhighway we see that there are cartoonists who are positively embracing this new era of social media and sharing. Webcomics and viral cartoons are a couple of the ways that you can effectively give your work away to the web but get paid back by other means. Successful webcomics […]
The cartoonist and the twits
Our man Bill Stott reports: Well, I tried. Caved in to peer pressure and signed up to Twitter. Did the same with Facebook years ago. Finally managed to un-Facebook myself a while back. At least, I think I did. You can never tell with these things. Joining’s easy. Leaving’s a lot more complicated. A bit […]