The Round-up

Above: the US editorial cartoonist Jeff Danziger talks about his work (thanks to Mike Lynch for the video). Alexander Matthews, the member whose work appears in The Dandy, Private Eye and The Phoenix among others, writes on his blog about what he sees as the key ingredients for writing a funny kids’ comic strip. […]

The Round-up

Above: Jamie Hewlett, the cartoonist behind Tank Girl and Gorillaz, talks about how absorbing drawing can be, and about his own desire to keep improving. (Thanks to Tim Harries for bringing this to our attention.) Now that Alex Hallatt‘s Arctic Circle strip is five years old, she is celebrating the milestone by releasing an ebook […]

The art of revolution

The Syrian cartoonist Ali Ferzat, who hit the headlines last year when he was beaten up by security police over cartoons that were critical of the Assad regime, has an exhibition at the Mica Gallery, Sloane Square, London, this week. He told the BBC: “The uprising has redefined art in Syria. It’s exposed the gulf […]