Pont events at the Cartoon Museum
The Cartoon Museum has a series of evening events lined up to accompany its exhibition Pont – Observing the British at Home and Abroad, which was reviewed here last week. Pont – the Making of a Humorous Artist, June 5: Illustrated talk with Anita O’Brien, discussing the evolution of Pont’s style from his drawings of […]
Review: Pont at the Cartoon Museum
PCOer Royston Robertson reviews the exhibition Pont: Observing the British at Home and Abroad at the Cartoon Museum It’s probably asking for trouble to use the word “important” in relation to a cartoon exhibition, but it seems applicable here as Pont, who was known as Graham Laidler to his mum, is so often overlooked when […]
Cartoon exhibition: Pont of Punch
Cartoon by Punch cartoonist Pont. (Click to enlarge) An exhibition entitled Pont: Observing the British at Home and Abroad runs at the Cartoon Museum in London from April 23 until July 27. It features more than 90 classic cartoons about the quirks of the British by Graham Laidler, better known as the Punch cartoonist Pont. […]