The Round-up
It’s time for another cartooning news Round-up and we kick off again with a few busy members … Rob Murray has illustrated a new book called The Good Psychopath’s Guide to Success by Andy McNab and Professor Kevin Dutton (above, left to right). “Part of the idea,” Rob tells us, “is to get across […]
The Round-Up
Alexander Matthews and Wilbur Dawbarn, both members and known for gag cartoons as well as comic strips, are collaborating on “Useleus”, a new series for the weekly comic The Phoenix. Alex writes the strip, while Wilbur provides the artwork, above. The strip will tell the story of “by far the most rubbishest warrior in […]
Professional satirists officially recognised by Apple
Facing criticism for rejecting (and later approving) a number of caricature-based iPhone apps, Apple has changed it’s terms and conditions to specifically exempt professional satirists. As reported by The Daily Cartoonist the two new clauses in their guidelines for new apps read: 14.1 Any app that is defamatory, offensive, mean-spirited, or likely to place the targeted individual […]
Apple U-turn on cartoonist's iPhone app
Since we reported last Wedneday (November 11) that Apple rejected an iPhone application by MAD magazine cartoonist Tom Richmond, which featured caricatures of members of the US Congress, it seems the company has done a U-turn and approved it. Apple had claimed that the app “contains content that ridicules public figures” and is in violation […]
Apple get the pip over iPhone caricatures
MAD Magazine caricaturist Tom Richmond reports on his blog how technology firm Apple has refused to allow an iPhone application featuring caricatures of the US Congress to be sold through its iTunes store. Richmond’s application or App, which is called called Bobble Rep, allows users to find the names and contact details for any of […]
What the digital cartoonist does
US caricaturist Tom Richmond demonstrates on his blog how he digitally colours his illustrations for Mad magazine: The PCO: Great British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)