Bring Back The Birch

Drawing © Andrew Birch. @marshallcartoon writes: Our esteemed membership secretary Andrew Birch has been exiled from Twitter after complaints from Tory Chair Greg Hands. Hands had posted a photo opportunity of himself eating a fish and chip supper. Andrew had replied that he ”hoped his supper didn’t go down well (or words to that effect, […]
The Round up
Kasia Kowalska writes: The Winter Solstice is behind us and the traditional festive fun is in full swing. Also high on the agenda is freedom of speech after the London School of Economics apologised to two students who had been banned from wearing T-shirts featuring cartoons of the prophet Mohammed and Jesus Christ. Twitter was […]
Heard the one about Twitter jokes? member Royston Robertson on the rise of Twitter jokes “Everyone’s a comedian” is a phrase often uttered sarcastically, but with the rise of the Twitter joke it almost seems true. If you’re not familiar with the phenomenon you need to be hanging around on Twitter when a major news story breaks. Recent stories such […]
The cartoonist and the twits
Our man Bill Stott reports: Well, I tried. Caved in to peer pressure and signed up to Twitter. Did the same with Facebook years ago. Finally managed to un-Facebook myself a while back. At least, I think I did. You can never tell with these things. Joining’s easy. Leaving’s a lot more complicated. A bit […]
Now following, some short messages…
Mocking the twits of the 19th century
Twitter is a thorn in the side of the courts today, with the superinjunctions row, but in the early 19th century the publisher William Hone used the communications technology of his day — pamphlets and cartoons — to keep one step ahead of the law. Jonathan Freedland looks at these seditious cartoons, and takes a […]
Go ahead punk… CLiNT hits the stands
A new British adult comic, CLiNT, launches on the 2nd September. Featuring writers including TV’s Jonathan Ross and contraversial comedian Frankie Boyle, the magazine is a collaboration between Kick Ass artist Mark Millar and Titan Publishing. The comic, that Millar describes as “The Eagle for the 21st Century,” is aimed at men aged 16-30. You […]