The Round-up

The death of Nelson Mandela inspired poignant tributes from UK cartoonists, among them Peter Brookes in The Times (above), Peter Schrank in The Independent and Christian Adams in The Telegraph. Elsewhere, the South African cartoonist Zapiro tells the BBC a personal anecdote that demonstrates Mandela’s appreciation of satire. Congratulations to Len Hawkins, who has been […]

The Round-up

We bring news of an exhibition of work by the member Cathy Simpson who helpfully writes about Twitterings and Catcreeps here. Another member, Wilbur Dawbarn, talks about his latest cartoon for Private Eye, which may well be the first in a series. Christian Adams, The Telegraph’s editorial news cartoonist, writes about the need to plan ahead to be able […]

The Cartoonist who took on the President

South African cartoonist Zapiro (Jonathan Shapiro) is arguably the most high-profile journalist in his country. Guardian Weekly explains why in this interview with him.

Cartoon Pick of the Week

Bloghorn spotted this great work during this week ending the 17th April 2009. One: Zapiro in South Africa’s Mail and Guardian on Nelson Mandela’s shoes. Two: Pete Dredge in the Spectator on smoking confessions. Three: and finally, Harry Venning’s Clare in the Community in the Guardian on youth slang. Subscribe to The Foghorn The PCO: […]