Noel Ford @ procartoonists.orgNoel Ford writes:

It’s ironic that quite often corporate clients seem more aware of the added value that a cartoonist can provide than those clients from the entertainment media of magazines and newspapers do. The use of a cartoon, or cartoon illustration, is well recognised by those in business as a way to make or emphasise an important point.

One of my corporate clients regularly commissions me, via an agency, to illustrate the concept of sustainable energy. Okay, not so much fun to draw as a good, solid gag cartoon but satisfying, nonetheless, especially when you get positive feedback as to the effectiveness of your work. As an example, I just received this message from the agency:

“Just wanted to let you know that Imtech won at the Construction Marketing Awards last week for ‘Sustainability as a Marketing Strategy’.  The cartoons you have produced for Imtech made up part of the submission.  So thank you and well done!”

Sustainable development © Noel Ford @
"Known sustainability… KS3 Carbon savings at Howdon for Northumbrian Water will be the equivalent to the benefit of a forest of two million trees." © Noel Ford @

Editor adds: This sort of work is a typical output for many of our members and we always welcome news about the usefulness of drawn communication.

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