This story raised a storm about the value of the drawn form as a subject worthy of study. The row provoked by the Labour MP Tom Harris has provided some lively correspondence for Bloghorn. Rob Murray reports:
Dr Ernesto Priego, co-editor of The Comics Grid, publicly responded to Mr Harris by asking him whether he also believed that film courses constitute dumbing down.
Speaking to Bloghorn he said: “The new programme at Dundee is a triumph for comics scholarship worldwide.
“It will certainly be an asset for Dundee and the UK.
“The MP’s opinion was misinformed. It represents the view of many people who still don’t understand what comics are, have been, can be.” Dr Priego added: “I believe it’s also our responsibility to inform the wider public, and the policy makers, [of] the importance of graphic storytelling.”
Dr Priego is not alone. The Dundee East MP Stewart Hosie has also come out against his colleague’s comments. You can read his thoughts on the cultural value of comics here.
Bloghorn thanks Dr Priego who holds a PhD in Information Studies, focusing on comics and digital technology, for his time and opinions.
EDITED: Noon 16th June
Bloghorn thanks Gregor Murray from the office of Stewart Hosie for passing details of the local media story which you can read here.
Editor, Matthew Buck adds:
Isn’t there a need for more courses like Dundee’s (at degree level or, indeed, much lower down the education “value chain”) to help move opinion about drawing beyond such ill-informed prejudice?
It would help develop better practice of communication for both business and people in the digital age.
Please have your say in the comments below. Bloghorn will be publishing more reaction to this story tomorrow.
The degree of visual communication
This story raised a storm about the value of the drawn form as a subject worthy of study. The row provoked by the Labour MP Tom Harris has provided some lively correspondence for Bloghorn. Rob Murray reports:
Dr Ernesto Priego, co-editor of The Comics Grid, publicly responded to Mr Harris by asking him whether he also believed that film courses constitute dumbing down.
Speaking to Bloghorn he said: “The new programme at Dundee is a triumph for comics scholarship worldwide.
“It will certainly be an asset for Dundee and the UK.
“The MP’s opinion was misinformed. It represents the view of many people who still don’t understand what comics are, have been, can be.” Dr Priego added: “I believe it’s also our responsibility to inform the wider public, and the policy makers, [of] the importance of graphic storytelling.”
Dr Priego is not alone. The Dundee East MP Stewart Hosie has also come out against his colleague’s comments. You can read his thoughts on the cultural value of comics here.
Bloghorn thanks Dr Priego who holds a PhD in Information Studies, focusing on comics and digital technology, for his time and opinions.
EDITED: Noon 16th June
Bloghorn thanks Gregor Murray from the office of Stewart Hosie for passing details of the local media story which you can read here.
Editor, Matthew Buck adds:
Isn’t there a need for more courses like Dundee’s (at degree level or, indeed, much lower down the education “value chain”) to help move opinion about drawing beyond such ill-informed prejudice?
It would help develop better practice of communication for both business and people in the digital age.
Please have your say in the comments below. Bloghorn will be publishing more reaction to this story tomorrow.
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