Above: Jamie Hewlett, the cartoonist behind Tank Girl and Gorillaz, talks about how absorbing drawing can be, and about his own desire to keep improving. (Thanks to Tim Harries for bringing this to our attention.)
Now that Alex Hallatt‘s Arctic Circle strip is five years old, she is celebrating the milestone by releasing an ebook collection, which can be downloaded for a small fee from Lulu.com or iBookstore.
The Dallas Morning News talks to several political cartoonists about how their depictions of Barack Obama – and by extension, other political figures – have changed over time as they have got to know him better. Read the article here. Elsewhere, Pulitzer-winning cartoonist Tony Auth tells The Atantic about his approach to covering the presidential campaign season.
Over on the BBC site, British illustrator George Butler shares his sketches from Syria.
In Canterbury, the Beaney Museum and Library is reopening after a £14.2 million refurbishment. It will feature seven permanent galleries for use by artists and local groups. Our man Nathan Ariss will be attending and passed on this link.
Lastly, it is with sadness that we note the passing of Procartoonists.org member Frank Jeffs, who died last month aged 77. One of Frank’s long-time clients, The Northampton Chronicle & Echo, has this obituary.