While the latest Charlie Hebdo controversy continues, editorial cartoonists Patrick Chappatte (above) and Kevin Kallaugher comment on the responsibility that comes with cartoonists’ freedom to insult.
Mike Peyton, who has carved out a long and specialist career as a ‘nautical cartoonist’, tells CNN about his work and how he started cartooning in a German POW camp. Read more here.
The Eye Candy festival, to be held in Birmingham next month, will feature “a drop-in sketching session for illustrators, artists and drawing enthusiasts”. See inkygoodness.com, which is organising the session, for more details.
Remember the lady who ‘restored’ a Spanish fresco recently? Like any good commercial artist, she is now demanding royalties.
Finally, there’s just time for a quick plug, as Hunt Emerson – that well-known cartoonist and member of Procartoonists.org – presents his lampooning take on a classic religious allegory…