Dave Walker, regular cartoonist for The Church Times and a member of the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation, has been interviewed about his work by Christian.co.uk. You can read it here.
Kevin ‘KAL‘ Kallaugher, editorial cartoonist for The Economist, proves that a single cartoon can change politics.
Elsewhere, politics is changing cartooning, with the fall of the Ben Ali regime in Tunisia having done away with the censorship that was preventing political cartoons flourishing.
Meanwhile, four Iranian cartoonists – Firoozeh Mozafarri, Kianoush Ramenzani, Hassan Karimzadeh and Mana Neyewstani – have received this year’s Cartooning for Peace award. One of the judges, New Yorker cartoonist Liza Donnelly, writes about what she saw in their work.
Finally, Forbidden Planet looks at the trend for reviews in comic form.