Ann Telnaes
The renowned editorial cartoonist opens her Columbia Journalism Review article with a selection of the brutally visceral responses she received, via social media, following the publication of one cartoon in particular. (Please see below.)
The cartoon that triggered the abuse © Ann Telnaes
The vitriolic tsunami suffered by Ann Telnaes post Cruz cartoon is just one example of how the landscape has changed for cartoonists.
As the thin skinned and short fused fuel and feed off social and 24 hour news media in equal measure, the internet has proven to be the perfect medium for these people to vent their spleens instantaneously and, more often than not, anonymously. Then there are those, like the Charlie Hebdo murderers, who go beyond words to express their hatred…
Ann’s piece is as elegantly crafted and astute as her editorial cartoons.
Ann Telnaes at work
Warning: the article linked below contains violent, mysogynistic messages and extremely strong language from the start.
The article, a must read, can be seen here on the Columbia Journalism Review website.