Bloghorn’s Alex Hughes reports from the UK Web and Mini Comix Thing which was held at Queen Mary’s University, Mile End, London last Saturday.
This was my first experience of a comic convention (well, aside from a brief stroll through the Birmingham International Comics Show a few years back). I was more keen to attend this event because I didn’t think it was going to be at the superheroic end of the comics spectrum. Happily, I was right and it was a really refreshing experience. Aside from cartoon festivals such as Shrewsbury I’m not used to seeing such large crowds of people interested in humorous art. There was a wide spread of styles, genres and (if I’m honest about it) ability represented, from the slick to the amateur and this is probably what made the show interesting. It was nice to see short-run home-made UK comics rubbing shoulders with established American webcomic brands like Diesel Sweeties and Octopus Pie or British comic talent such as Sarah McIntyre, Woodrow Phoenix and James Turner (all formerly on the DFC). After a quick pint or two at the Post Thing Thing at the pub round the corner, (where I met Shug of Reet Comic) I went home exhausted and clutching a pile of comics that I spent too much money on (despite it all being reasonably priced).
What with the recent closure of the DFC, could web and mini comics be the future for British comics?