PCO Procartoonists – The art business
PCO cartoonist Bill Stott writes; ONE of TV’s most irritating programmes is “Click”. It usually crops up when you expect news and concerns itself with the geekier end of things computerish, or the needs of those whey-faced wannabes who claim not to be able to live without their Blackberrys. More than once in the hearing […]
Artist of the month: Pete Dredge
Nottingham‘s finest, Pete Dredge, has been the PCO’s Artist of the Month for September 2007. Bloghorn says click D for Dredge From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
PCO Procartoonists – The future of print cartoons
Is this really the future of print cartoons? Bloghorn offers a hat-tip to the Daily Cartoonist for a thoughtful analysis on the business issues around the future of commercial drawing. From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
PCO's Foghorn – The ProCartoonist's cartoon magazine
Complete in almost every respect, Foghorn, the magazine of professional cartoonists is soon to wing its way to the printers. Mike Williams* provides the cover for this issue. ‘‘Well, that’s the last of the Mohicans…there’s a little bit of Sioux left if anyone’s interested.’’ * Click W for Williams here From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ […]
PCO Procartoonists – Comics Britannia REVIEWED
PCO member Royston Robertson reviews the third episode of Comics Britannia, broadcast on BBC Four 24th September 2007. THE final part of BBC Four’s Comics Britannia covered the period from the late 1970s when comics grew up. OK, maybe “grew up” is not the right phrase – especially as the programme opened with a look […]
PCO Procartoonists – The Big Draw
The PCO is fielding a team of crack professional cartoonists at this year’s Big Draw which takes place in London’s Covent Garden over the weekend of October 13th/14th. We will be running workshops over both days and competing in the battle of the cartoonists on Sunday afternoon.There are details here. The picture above shows PCO’ers […]
Artist of the month: Pete Dredge
Check out Pete’s work by clicking D for Dredge here… From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
PCO Procartoonists – Just draw it
Here is a link to a brilliant little piece of interactivity about a late, great cartoonist, Dave Follows. The content is put together here by PCO’er and web design guru, Ian Ellery. Bloghorn says E for Ellery, thanks Ian… From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
PCO Procartoonists – Just draw it
Cartoonists can spend a lot of time arguing about the merits of how they do what they do. Some artists stick to traditional methods, some experiment and some try not to worry about it too much. In the spirit of the final theme, Bloghorn found this, which is posted above. The skill remains the same, […]