April Fool’s Day special: A Shrewsbury Festival If

Steve Bell, creator of the ‘If’ strip in The Guardian and the current UK Political Cartoonist of the Year, will be giving an illustrated talk at the Music Hall in central Shrewsbury at high noon on Saturday 19th April. All tickets cost £4. You can book in advance via 01743 281281 or, if you live […]
April Fool's Day special: A Shrewsbury Festival If

Steve Bell, creator of the ‘If’ strip in The Guardian and the current UK Political Cartoonist of the Year, will be giving an illustrated talk at the Music Hall in central Shrewsbury at high noon on Saturday 19th April. All tickets cost £4. You can book in advance via 01743 281281 or, if you live […]
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival countdown
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival 18th-20th April 2008. The cartoon is courtesy of Dave Brown, who has a one-man show at the event. If you can’t see anything very helpful immediately above this text – click here and download a free Flash player for your PC. If it’s still not working for you, try using an […]
PCO Artist of the month – Dave Gaskill

Our last editorial cartoon offering from Dave Gaskill who has been the PCO Artist of the Month for March 2008. If you click on the term Dave Gaskill underneath this text you can see all four pieces of Dave’s featured artwork. Bloghorn says click G for Gaskill. Bloghorn will showcase a new artist of the […]
Shropshire gets ready for cartoon festival

As is only appropriate, the Shropshire Star newspaper today begins the countdown to the Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival. The event takes place on the weekend of April 18-20, but the main festival exhibition, entitled “But is it Art?”, opens this Sunday (March 30) and runs until April 26. Click on “But is it art”, under Labels […]
Technical notice
Hello readers. Bloghorn needs to apologise for some changes which have had to be made to the automatic update services we offer you. If you have been getting a live feed of new Bloghorn content you will need to resubscribe we are afraid. You can do so at the links on the right hand side […]
New PCO Foghorn magazine

The new issue of the super soaraway Foghorn cartoon magazine, written by and about Britain’s professional cartoonists and joke makers, will soon be available. If you commission artwork in your working life you can get a free copy by clicking the button to your right. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival: Dave Brown's one-man show

Here is our second preview of the one-man cartoon show which will be running at Shrewsbury next month. Dave Brown, cartoonist for the Independent, will be exhibiting work from his Rogues Gallery of art pastiches. Here is a recent example looking at the race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the Democratic party nomination […]
Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival: another preview

Art critic cartoon by Chris Madden Another sneak preview of submitted work for the “But is it Art?” show at the forthcoming Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival. This cartoon is by Chris Madden. Bloghorn says click M for Madden. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)